Monday, November 1, 2010

Chapter 13

Lily paced back and forth in her living room , casting glances every so often at the clock on the wall. “ God didn’t know 5 minutes would take so damned long “ she muttered to herself and continued to wear a path into the tan carpet. Why hadn’t they been more  cautious ? What if I am ? I can’t tell him , He is gonna think I did it on purpose.

A long grueling 5 minutes later, she slowly walked into the bathroom, picked up the stick and glanced it , a plus sign stared back at her . Grabbing the box , she compared it to the stick knowing full well what it meant.

Lily tossed the stick into the garbage then numbly walked out of the bathroom and into her bedroom, collapsing on the bed .

Claire pushed back from her desk and grabbed her phone before jogging barefoot out the door and up the stairs to Lily’s door and knocking softly. She turned around, looking out at the parking lot and the scenery while she waited, Damn never thought I’d be missing NYC, she thought to herself, or maybe it’s just the honey I met there that I miss. Six weeks is a long time....

“I”m coming “ Lilly called out as she climbed off the bed and walked to her front door then opened it “ Hey “ she said with a feigned smile.

Claire raised an eyebrow, she knew Lily too well. “What’s wrong?” she asked, stepping inside.

“Go look in the trash in the bathroom. I can’t even comprehend it myself to say it out loud yet “ Lily replied softly while she went and plopped down on her couch , bringing her knees to her chest , she rested her head on them.

Claire watched her friend with worry, then walked back to the bathroom and peered into the garbage can. “Oh my,” she said quietly, returning to the living room. She counted back again, yep six weeks. “Richie’s, right?” she asked, sitting down next to her friend.

“Well it surely isn’t the mailman’s “ Lily retorted

Claire sighed, “Well no. You should go to the doctor though, just to make sure.” she paused, “you can’t say this is all bad, didn’t you say you’ve always wanted kids?”

Lily sat up , leaning her head against the back of the couch “ Yea I did but what am I gonna do about RIchie ? I’m sure he isn’t wanting anymore at his age hell my age isn’t great either actually “

“You don’t know that for sure,” Claire replied softly, “the one daughter he has is still pretty young, isn’t she? He could be more than okay with having another for all you know. And if not,” she added, taking her best friend’s hand, “you’re still not alone, you know that right?”

Lily squeezed her friend’s hand  “ I know . Just that we were just getting to know each other . I dont wanna lose him or have him think I am trapping him “

“You’re not gonna lose him, I can tell you that,” Claire answered, “I’ve seen the way he looks at you. And as for trapping him, honey getting knocked up takes two, ya know. They only way you’re gonna find this out for yourself is by telling him.”

“ I can’t tell him , he is getting ready to go out on tour - for two years or did you forget . He isn’t gonna wanna be saddled down with a baby . “ Lily argued  “ This couldn’t be any worse timing than now “

“They don’t leave until February hon, it’s only December! You’ve got time to talk things out with him, decide what’s going to happen.” Claire replied, frustrated but trying her hardest to stay calm.

Lily stood up “ I can’t don’t you see , his daughter is practically grown she’s almost a teen he isn’t gonna wanna start over again . I’m not sure what I’m gonna do yet either . “ tears started to stream down her face as she repeatedly tried to argue her case with Claire.  “ We haven’t even discussed marriage much less kids , C “

Claire pulled Lily into a hug, “It’s gonna be okay, I promise. Even if he somehow doesn’t want kids, you do! And you won’t be alone, no matter what. I promise.” She pulled back, meeting her friend’s eyes, “I really do think you need to tell him, though.”

“I hope so . We were damned careful what the fuck ? “ Lily replied angrily.

“Accidents happen, babe,” Claire said softly, “and everything happens for a reason.”

Out of nowhere the doorbell rang, and both girls glanced over. “Were you expecting someone?” Claire asked, curious. Lily shook her head no, so she padded to the door, opening it slowly. “Um, hello there,” she said, smiling slightly, completely in shock.

Richie’s brow furrowed, “Damn, I thought this one was Lily’s place?”

“Oh, it is, um,” Claire glanced back into the living room, “Can you give me just a sec?” she asked, closing the door without an answer. She hurried back to Lily, wringing her hands. “So, um, guess who’s here?” she asked, attempting to smile.

“The mail man? “ Lily retorted then shook her head in disbelief, Just her damned luck the subject of their conversation would show up .“No way it isn’t is it ? “

Claire nodded slowly, “Yeah hun, it’s Richie. Want me to let him in? Or tell him to come back later, maybe?”

Lily hurried to the bathroom to wipe her face “No let him in . If we don’t he will think something is wrong “ while she quickly tugged on the toilet paper and threw it over the box and stick that lay in the trash.

“Something is wrong,” Claire mumbled as she returned to the door and opened it to find Richie waiting patiently. “Sorry about that,” she said, smiling brightly and stepping aside for him to walk in. “Lily ran to the bathroom and she’ll be out in just a minute. Make yourself comfortable.”

Richie sat down on the couch, curious as to what was going on, “No problem, darlin,’” he replied, “hope she didn’t think she has to pretty herself up for me,” he winked.

Claire smiled as she glance out the window. “So,” she began, “Did you bring your friend with you, by chance?”

Richie grinned, “Oh, yeah. He assumed you were up in your place so went right down there, said something about wondering if your patio door was unlocked and was gonna surprise ya, I think.” he guffawed. “Damn, wish I could see the look on his face when he realized you’re not home.”

Claire laughed, rolling her eyes. “Oh jeez, he’s gonna try and scare the crap out of me.” She walked back to the bathroom, “Hey Lily, everything okay? I’m gonna go find Jon unless you want me to stay,” she said quietly through the door.

Lily flushed the toilet, Damn I hope my stomach can behave while he’s here “ Yea  I’ll be right out “ she wiped her mouth , took a swig of mouthwash then spit it out then opened the door. “Go ahead I’ll be fine “

Claire walked through the apartment, waving at Richie. “Perhaps I’ll scare the crap out of him first,” she winked. She exited and traipsed back down the stairs, stopping at her door and peeking in through the window. Where the hell is he? she wondered, as she silently slid the key into the lock and opened the door.

Jon stepped out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee in hand when he heard the door open “Hey there beautiful . I see Dean let the cat out of the bag “ He walked over to her , dropping a kiss on her lips.

She returned the kiss, “Mwahaha, foiled your plan,” she grinned. “Don’t get me wrong, it’s good to see you, but what are you doing here?”

“Well, we had some time between promo’s and the holiday’s , and we missed you so here we are “ He grinned cheekily . “Hope you don’t mind I rumbled around in your kitchen “

Claire laughed softly, “As long as you didn’t make a mess?”

“Would I do that ? “ he feigned an innocent look then gazed around the room “Nice place you have here “

“Well it’s not exactly a New York City penthouse,” Claire winked, “but it’s alright. Make yourself comfortable. I’d offer you something to drink, but I see you’ve taken care of yourself,” she added.

He chuckled then flopped down in a chair  “Sometimes penthouses are a big lonely place. So how you been? Sorry haven’t called as much as I would have liked but these promo’s are insane and with the holidays coming - its been insane. “

Claire smiled, seating herself on the couch, “No biggie, I’ve been busy too,” she sighed, wondering if she should say anything about Lily.

Jon noticed something was off with Claire “Is something wrong? You seem I don’t know -distracted? “ He leaned in , reached for her hand and squeezed it.

Claire paused, “Yeah, it’s not me, it’s Lily. She, um,” Gah, do I tell him? She wondered inwardly, looking down at the floor.

“What is it ? What’s wrong with Lily ? “ Jon asked with concerned tone.

She sighed, meeting Jon’s eyes. “Lily’s pregnant. Just found out today. And, well, it’s obviously Richie’s.”

Jon leaned back , his eyes widened with shock , That was one thing he hadn’t expected her to say . “ You’re shitting me ?  Is she sure ? “

“She hasn’t seen a doctor yet, but the little test thingy was positive.” She leaned forward, “And here’s the thing. She doesn’t want Richie to know.”

Jon furrowed an eyebrow “ Why the fuck not ? He has a right to know ? “

Claire shrugged, “Something about not wanting him to think she’s trapping him,” she said, shaking her head, “that and because of his age, whatever that means.”

“So she is just gonna go like everything is normal, How the fuck she gonna hide it ? “ Jon asked with frustration “ You know what that will do to him , he’s always wanted more kids “

Claire raised her eyebrows in shock, “Really? Lily thinks he won’t. Oh, she needs to know this,” she said slowly, thinking.

“That’s one reason for his divorce , Heather didn’t want any more . And if Lily keeps this from him . I have no idea what it might do to him . He has to be told “ Jon adamantly replied. “IF she won’t tell him I sure as hell will. “


Lily walked out of the bathroom, putting a forced smile as she entered the living room “Hey what a surprise this is !”

Richie grinned, standing up and pulling her into a hug, “Hiya, pretty lady,” he said sweetly, but not without noticing her red nose and slightly puffy eyes, “I missed ya.” he added, kissing her.

She instinctively slid her arms around his neck and returned his kiss “ I missed you too “

Richie pulled back, meeting her eyes which were a dull brown today. “You okay, darlin’?” he asked, pulling her to the couch and sitting down.

The concern that floated in his eyes nearly ripped her apart , but she held steadfast “Yea, just a bit of the flu “ she lied hoping he believed her .

“Aww,” Richie replied, pulling her onto his lap and kissing her lips, “anything I can do?”

“Just hold me “ Lily answered softly , a slight tremble radiated throw her voice and tears coated her eyelids.

Richie held her closer, wrapping Lily in his arms, “Can do, baby,” he said quietly, though his brow was furrowed. There’s something else, he thought to himself, but I’ll wait till she’s ready.

She buried her face into his shoulder, “Thank you so much “ her body trembled against his , How am I gonna keep this from him?  I don’t want to lose him  . So you can’t tell him .


  1. The plot thickens!!! Loved the new chapter. Can't wait for the next. Thank you.

  2. You have to make her tell him. We all know that he has always wanted more kids. She has to know that he will be ecstatic about having a kid! And please write the next chapter sooner. I am addicted to this story.

  3. GAH! I can't believe I missed this earlier this week! I know Richie will be GREAT about it. Now let me go see if I'm right...
